Publications by Faculty

Arthur B. Sanders, MD, MHA, FACEP, FACP

Cardiocerebral resuscitation improves out-of-hospital survival in older adults., M Mohler, Jane, Wendel Christopher S., Mosier Jarrod, Itty Ajit, Fain Mindy, Clark Lani, Bobrow Bentley, and Sanders Arthur B. , J Am Geriatr Soc, 2011 May, Volume 59, Issue 5, p.822-6, (2011)
Compression-only Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Improves Survival, Ewy, Gordon A., Sanders Arthur B., and Kern Karl B. , The American Journal of Medicine, Jan-05-2011, Volume 124, Issue 5, p.383 - 385, (2011)
Chest Compression-Only CPR by Lay Rescuers and Survival From Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest, Bobrow, B. J., Spaite D. W., Berg R. A., Stolz U., Sanders A. B., Kern K. B., Vadeboncoeur T. F., Clark L. L., Gallagher J. V., Stapczynski J. S., et al. , Jama-Journal of the American Medical AssociationJama-Journal of the American Medical Association, Oct 6, Volume 304, Number 13, p.1447-1454, (2010)

Farshad "Mazda" Shirazi, MD, PhD, FACEP, FACMT

Initial Experience with F(ab')2 Antivenom Compared with Fab Antivenom for Rattlesnake Envenomations Reported to a single poison center during 2019., Wilson, Bryan Z., Bahadir Alisia, Andrews Matthew, Karpen Jacqueline, Winkler Garret, Smelski Geoffrey, Dudley Steve, Walter Frank G., and Shirazi Farshad Mazda , Toxicon, 2022 Apr 15, Volume 209, p.10-17, (2022)
Fatal abrin poisoning by injection., Rinner, Ginger R., Watkins Sarah A., Shirazi Farshad Mazda, Fernández Miguel C., Hess Greg, Mihalic Jason, Runcorn Susan, Waddell Victor, Ritter Jana, Reagan-Steiner Sarah, et al. , Clin Toxicol (Phila), 2020 Jun 01, p.1-3, (2020)
Intentional use of carbapenem antibiotics for valproic acid toxicity: A case report., Khobrani, M A., Dudley S W., Huckleberry Y C., Kopp B J., Biggs A D., French R N. E., Shirazi F M., and Erstad B L. , J Clin Pharm Ther, 2018 Oct, Volume 43, Issue 5, p.723-725, (2018)
Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum) envenomation: Descriptive analysis of calls to United States Poison Centers with focus on Arizona cases., French, Robert, Brooks Daniel, Ruha Anne-Michelle, Shirazi Farshad, Chase Peter, Boesen Keith, and Walter Frank , Clin Toxicol (Phila), 2015 Jan, Volume 53, Issue 1, p.60-70, (2015)
Epidemiology of the reported severity of cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorus) snakebite., Walter, Frank G., Stolz Uwe, French Robert N. E., Chase Peter B., McNally Jude, and Shirazi Farshad , South Med J, 2014 Mar, Volume 107, Issue 3, p.150-6, (2014)
Resident-initiated advanced triage effect on emergency department patient flow., Svirsky, Irina, Stoneking Lisa R., Grall Kristi, Berkman Matthew, Stolz Uwe, and Shirazi Farshad , J Emerg Med, 2013 Nov, Volume 45, Issue 5, p.746-51, (2013)
Temporal analyses of coral snakebite severity published in the American Association of Poison Control Centers' Annual Reports from 1983 through 2007., Walter, Frank G., Stolz Uwe, Shirazi Farshad, and McNally Jude , Clin Toxicol (Phila), 2010 Jan, Volume 48, Issue 1, p.72-8, (2010)
Epidemiology of severe and fatal rattlesnake bites published in the American Association of Poison Control Centers' Annual Reports., Walter, Frank G., Stolz Uwe, Shirazi Farshad, and McNally Jude , Clin Toxicol (Phila), 2009 Aug, Volume 47, Issue 7, p.663-9, (2009)
Establishing causality of CNS depression in breastfed infants following maternal codeine use., Madadi, Parvaz, Shirazi Farshad, Walter Frank G., and Koren Gideon , Paediatr Drugs, 2008, Volume 10, Issue 6, p.399-404, (2008)

Elaine Situ-LaCasse, MD

What is the ideal approach for emergent pericardiocentesis using point-of-care ultrasound guidance?, Stolz, Lori, Situ-LaCasse Elaine, Acuña Josie, Thompson Matthew, Hawbaker Nicolaus, Valenzuela Josephine, Stolz Uwe, and Adhikari Srikar , World J Emerg Med, 2021, Volume 12, Issue 3, p.169-173, (2021)
The Use of Point-of-Care Ultrasound for Arthrocentesis Among Emergency Medicine Residents., Acuña, Josie, Yarnish Adrienne, Situ-LaCasse Elaine, Amini Richard, and Adhikari Srikar , Open Access Emerg Med, 2021, Volume 13, p.161-167, (2021)
Can ultrasound novices develop image acquisition skills after reviewing online ultrasound modules?, Situ-LaCasse, Elaine, Acuña Josie, Huynh Dang, Amini Richard, Irving Steven, Samsel Kara, Patanwala Asad E., Biffar David E., and Adhikari Srikar , BMC Med Educ, 2021 Mar 20, Volume 21, Issue 1, p.175, (2021)
Point of Care Ultrasound in Pyogenic Tenosynovitis: A Case Report., Amini, Richard, Camacho Luis, Acuña Josie, La Casse Elaine H. Situ-, and Adhikari Srikar , Bull Emerg Trauma, 2020 Jan, Volume 8, Issue 1, p.41-46, (2020)
Integration of Pre-intubation Ultrasound into Airway Management Course: A Novel Training Program., Adhikari, Srikar, Situ-LaCasse Elaine, Acuña Josie, Irving Steven, Weaver Christina, Samsel Kara, Biffar David E., Motlagh Mahsaw, and Sakles John , Indian J Crit Care Med, 2020 Mar, Volume 24, Issue 3, p.179-183, (2020)
Evaluation of Gender Differences in Ultrasound Milestone Evaluations During Emergency Medicine Residency Training: A Multicenter Study., Acuña, Josie, Stolz Uwe, Stolz Lori A., Situ-LaCasse Elaine H., Bell Gregory, Berkeley Ross P., Boyd Jeremy S., Castle David, Carmody Kristin, Fong Tiffany, et al. , AEM Educ Train, 2020 Apr, Volume 4, Issue 2, p.94-102, (2020)
Identification of gender differences in ultrasound milestone assessments during emergency medicine residency training: a pilot study., Acuña, Josie, Situ-LaCasse Elaine H., Patanwala Asad E., Stolz Lori A., Amini Richard, Friedman Lucas, and Adhikari Srikar , Adv Med Educ Pract, 2019, Volume 10, p.141-145, (2019)
Cadaver Models in Residency Training for Uncommonly Encountered Ultrasound-Guided Procedures., Amini, Richard, Camacho Luis D., Valenzuela Josephine, Ringleberg Jeannie K., Patanwala Asad E., Stearns Jack, Situ-LaCasse Elaine H., Acuña Josie, and Adhikari Srikar , J Med Educ Curric Dev, 2019 Jan-Dec, Volume 6, p.2382120519885638, (2019)
Multimodular Ultrasound Orientation: Residents' Confidence and Skill in Performing Point-of-care Ultrasound., Stolz, Lori A., Amini Richard, Situ-LaCasse Elaine, Acuña Josie, Irving Steven C., Friedman Lucas, Fiorello Albert B., Stea Nicholas, Fan Heinrich, and Adhikari Srikar , Cureus, 2018 Nov 15, Volume 10, Issue 11, p.e3597, (2018)
Point-of-care Head and Neck Sonography for Clinical Problem-solving: Impact of One-day Training Sessions on Medical Student Education., Friedman, Lucas, Situ-LaCasse Elaine, Acuña Josie, Amini Richard, Irving Steven C., Stolz Lori A., Sterling Robert, Jung Chan, Sanders Arthur B., and Adhikari Srikar , Cureus, 2018 Dec 17, Volume 10, Issue 12, p.e3740, (2018)
Point-of-care Ultrasound Evaluation of Tibial Avulsion Fractures., Acuña, Josie, Situ-LaCasse Elaine, Jamplis Robert P., Amini Richard, and Adhikari Srikar , Cureus, 2018 May 23, Volume 10, Issue 5, p.e2677, (2018)

Jennifer Smith, PharmD, MD

Availability and use of medications by prehospital providers trained to manage medical complications of patients in hazardous materials incidents., K Mhayamaguru, Moses, Gaither Joshua B., French Robert N. E., Christopher Nicholas D., Waters Kristina E., Jado Isrealia, Rice Amber D., Beskind Daniel, Knotts Mary C., Ronnebaum Jennifer, et al. , Am J Disaster Med, 2021 Summer, Volume 16, Issue 3, p.215-223, (2021)
Body Temperature after EMS Transport: Association with Traumatic Brain Injury Outcomes., Gaither, Joshua B., Chikani Vatsal, Stolz Uwe, Viscusi Chad, Denninghoff Kurt, Barnhart Bruce, Mullins Terry, Rice Amber D., Mhayamaguru Moses, Smith Jennifer J., et al. , Prehosp Emerg Care, 2017 May 08, p.1-7, (2017)
