Identification of gender differences in ultrasound milestone assessments during emergency medicine residency training: a pilot study.

TitleIdentification of gender differences in ultrasound milestone assessments during emergency medicine residency training: a pilot study.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsAcuña J, Situ-LaCasse EH, Patanwala AE, Stolz LA, Amini R, Friedman L, Adhikari S
JournalAdv Med Educ Pract
Date Published2019
ISSN Number1179-7258

<p>Prior literature suggests that incongruities between male and female resident&#39;s procedural competency may be explained by gender bias during the evaluation process. There are no known studies investigating gender differences in the assessment of ultrasound-based procedural skills among emergency medicine (EM) residents. The purpose of this study was to evaluate for gender differences in ultrasound milestone assessments among EM residents. This is a retrospective study including EM residents. Milestone assessment data were collected from a total of 3 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) EM residency programs representing a 3-year period The outcome measures included mean milestone levels, milestone levels at baseline and graduation and differences in milestone achievement between female and male EM residents. An unpaired Student&#39;s -test was used to compare milestone scores between female and male residents. A total of 456 ultrasound milestone evaluations were collected from 91 EM residents (34 females [37%] and 57 males [63%]). No significant differences were noted in the overall mean milestone level between females (2.3&plusmn;0.6) and males (2.2&plusmn;0.6) (=0.387). There were no significant differences noted in the ultrasound milestone level between females (0.8&plusmn;0.6) and males (0.7&plusmn;0.7) at baseline (=0.754). Although it did not reach statistical significance (=0.197), the increase in the mean ultrasound milestone level from baseline to graduation was greater in males (3.4&plusmn;0.7) compared to females (3.1&plusmn;0.7). Overall, there were no statistically significant differences in the mean ultrasound milestone levels between females and males. The rate of ultrasound milestone level achievement during EM residency training at our institution had a slight tendency to be higher for males than females in the observed residency programs; however, this also did not reach statistical significance. Possible gender bias while evaluating ultrasound milestone levels needs to be further studied on a larger scale.</p>

Alternate JournalAdv Med Educ Pract
PubMed ID31114417
PubMed Central IDPMC6474641
Faculty Reference: 
Josie G. Acuña, MD
Srikar Adhikari, MD, MS, FACEP
Richard Amini, MD
Elaine Situ-LaCasse, MD