Arthur Sanders, MD

Arthur B. Sanders, MD, MHA, FACEP, FACP

Professor Emeritus
Tenured Professor, Retired


1501 N. Campbell Ave.
PO Box 245057 Tucson AZ 85724
(520) 626-6312
520-626-2480 NON CLINICAL

Dr. Sanders' primary areas of academic interest are the treatment of patients in cardiac arrest, the emergency care of older patients, biomedical ethics in emergency medicine and medical education. He is a tenured professor emeritus at the University of Arizona College of Medicine. He has served as Chair of the Residency Review Committee for Emergency Medicine, President of the Soceity for Academic Emergency Medicine and Chair of the ACLS Committee for the American Heart Association. In 2012, Dr. Sanders was elected to the  Institute of Medicine (now called National Academy of Medicine) and has served on an IOM committee assessing the progress in the treatment of patients in cardiac arrest.


MD: 1973, Cornell University Medical School, New York, NY
MS: 1997, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
1976, UArizona College of Medicine, Tucson, AZ
1976, UArizona College of Medicine, Tucson, AZ

Research and Academic Interests and Expertise

Cardiac Arrest and Resuscitation
Geriatric Emergency Medicine
Bioethics and Emergency Medicine
Medical Education

Selected Recent Publications

Amini R, Stolz LAnn, Breshears E, et al. "Assessment of ultrasound-guided procedures in preclinical years." Intern Emerg Med. 2016.
Amini R, Stolz LAnn, Gross A, et al. "Theme-based teaching of point-of-care ultrasound in undergraduate medical education." Intern Emerg Med. 2015.
Mhayamaguru K, Means R, Sanders A, Amini R. "Vaginal Bulge." Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2015;16(3):424-425.
Bakhsh HT, Perona SJ, Shields WA, Salek S, Sanders AB, Patanwala AE. "Medication errors in psychiatric patients boarded in the emergency department." Int J Risk Saf Med. 2014;26(4):191-8.


Clinical Specialties: 

Geriatric Emergency Medicine

Board Certification: 
ABEM, 2012, 2002, 1992, 1982
ABIM, 1976