UA at University Campus Residency - Class of 2027

Georgina Atkinson, MD
University of South Carolina School of Medicine

Where are you from?

Leesburg, VA

What are your personal interests/hobbies?

Traveling, hiking, Pilates, and spending time with my pup, Arya!

What are your professional interests?

EMS, Simulation, & Medical Education

Why did you choose UA EM?

When looking into potential residency programs, a lot of attributes were important to me. On paper, UA hit all of these key aspects including longitudinal EMS exposure with the opportunity to participate in a subspecialty track, longitudinal PEM exposure, and, of course, the opportunity to expand my skillset and knowledge by working in a different region of the US! My interview day and second look truly sealed the deal! I was blown away by how happy and enthusiastic all the residents were, appreciated the professional support for women in the program, and thoroughly enjoyed discovering what Tucson and the surrounding region had to offer!

Favorite activity in Tucson, or what attracted you to Tucson besides the residency program?

One phrase that REALLY stood out to me on interview day was "time is limited in residency BUT here in Tucson you don't have to drive for hours to hike!" My husband and I LOVE spending time outdoors with our pup Arya (pic is of the tree of us on Mount Lemmon!) and have been exceedingly impressed with all the dog friendly hikes within 2 hours of us (many within 20-30 minutes! 10/10 would recommend the AllTrails App!)

What are your non-medical goals during residency?

Visit as many National Parks as possible, sprinkle in some international travel, and make our house into a home (especially the back yard!)

Ofek Belkin, MD
Paul L. Foster School of Medicine, Texas Tech University

Where are you from?

Ra'anana, Israel

What are your personal interests/hobbies?

Sports (NBA, NFL, NCAA, UFC), Weightlifting, Video games, Cars, Food

What are your professional interests?

Sports Medicine, Aerospace Medicine

Why did you choose UA EM?

This program is well known for its phenomenal culture and world-class training. I know that I will be happy here, am supported by my peers and mentors, and am serving a grateful community. The city of Tucson is beautiful and has so much to offer as well.

Favorite activity in Tucson, or what attracted you to Tucson besides the residency program?

The food in Tucson is amazing. I also love being in close proximity to various sports teams. Lastly, I can take my dog for a walk year-round.

What are your non-medical goals during residency?

Be happy! Lift heavy stuff. Eat good food. Enjoy my family and friends, and spoil my dog.

Nick D'Amico, MD
Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED)

Where are you from?

Columbus, Ohio

What are your personal interests/hobbies?

Road and mountain biking, snowboarding, playing guitar, hiking with my dog, pick-up basketball/volleyball/soccer.

What are your professional interests?

As a former USAF flight surgeon, Aerospace Medicine remains near and dear to my heart, and I hope to find ways to stay engaged in that community. Sports Med and EMS too.

Why did you choose UA EM?

Both the faculty and senior residents are dedicated to your education while fostering an inclusive community and resident wellness. UA is a well-known and established program with alumni in every field and location allowing for numerous professional opportunities both during and after residency. Being closer to family doesn't hurt either.

Favorite activity in Tucson, or what attracted you to Tucson besides the residency program?

The variety of outdoor activities and amazing geography. You can road and mountain bike year round while still having a place to go snowboard in the winter right in your backyard!

What are your non-medical goals during residency?

To get back into racing triathlons more consistently and to improve my Spanish. I'm hoping this desert weather will help get my butt back in shape by 3rd year for Ironman Arizona!

Andrew Damron, DO
Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Erie

Where are you from?

Provo, Utah

What are your personal interests/hobbies?

Hockey, Skateboarding, Snowboarding, Lifting

What are your professional interests?

EMS, Critical Care, Education

Why did you choose UA EM?

I was blown away during my audition rotation. Throughout interview season I found myself comparing all of the programs to U of A, and nothing even came close. The patient acuity and variety in the pathology I saw was far more than any of my other EM rotations. Having EM exposure at an academic center, as well as community shifts, and longitudinal Peds definitely makes me feel like I am getting the best training possible. All of the faculty and residents that I worked and interviewed with were incredible!

Favorite activity in Tucson, or what attracted you to Tucson besides the residency program?

Being able to go outside and enjoy the sun almost every day out of the year!

What are your non-medical goals during residency?

Develop a strong community and relationships with my co-residents, learn to cook Indian food and rock climb!

Meredith Hickerson, MD
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine

Where are you from?

Spirit Lake, Iowa

What are your personal interests/hobbies?

I enjoy playing the piano, cooking new recipes, and cuddling with my two cats. For outdoor activities, I love playing pickleball, hiking, and going to group fitness classes!

What are your professional interests?

Toxicology, Addiction Medicine

Why did you choose UA EM?

I chose UA EM for three main reasons: the exquisite training, the incredible group of residents/faculty, and the unbeatable location. From airway experts to toxicology gurus, this program has everything I was looking for. The patient population is extremely diverse and with Spanish being my second language, it means a lot to me that I am able to care for the Latino(a) community. When I did my audition rotation here as an MS4, I instantly felt at home. Residency is difficult, and it makes a world of a difference to have your co-residents (who become your best friends) rooting for you through the process.

Favorite activity in Tucson, or what attracted you to Tucson besides the residency program?

The FOOD! The culinary diversity here is insane. Also, who wouldn't love to be surrounded by sunshine 360 days of the year?!

What are your non-medical goals during residency?

My #1 non-medical goal throughout residency is to maintain my relationships and maximize my health. I want to be present in the moment and make as many positive memories as possible during this crazy, fun, difficult, and rewarding time we call residency.

Sean Kaisler, MD
University of New Mexico School of Medicine

Where are you from?

San Diego, CA

What are your personal interests/hobbies?

I like to be outside mountain biking, climbing, fishing, hunting or simply spending time with family and friends.

What are your professional interests?

I am very interested in being a well rounded emergency doctor but I am most interested in operational medicine and sports medicine, specifically related to tactical athletics.

Why did you choose UA EM?

Tucson has been home for a while now, and after rotating here as a fourth year medical student, I knew UA would offer excellent training and afford me the opportunity to become the emergency doctor that I want to be.

Favorite activity in Tucson, or what attracted you to Tucson besides the residency program?

I have been stationed in Tucson as an Air Force Pararescueman (PJ) for 8 years, the last five of which have been as a reservist. I wanted to train at UA not just for the excellent EM program but to be near family, friends, and my Air Force duty station.

What are your non-medical goals during residency?

I hope to spend time with my family and friends, get outside and enjoy our beautiful city and get involved with my local community.

Luke Labat, MD
Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans

Where are you from?

Southern Louisiana

What are your personal interests/hobbies?

Climbing, Cycling, Paddling. Really anything outdoors!

What are your professional interests?

Rural EM, Wilderness Medicine

Why did you choose UA EM?

So many reasons! I knew I'd get outstanding clinical experience and training here. I really liked the broad longitudinal exposure to different settings. Having shifts at an academic center, county/community at south campus, and the pediatric ED every EM month was a huge selling point. All the residents I met on interview day were awesome and super nice. Tucson is a great place to live with an endless amount of outdoor activities. Really couldn't ask for a better place to train.

Favorite activity in Tucson, or what attracted you to Tucson besides the residency program?

Climbing, biking, and hiking right outside the city!

What are your non-medical goals during residency?

Continue to explore Southern Arizona, climb harder, and maintain a resting heart rate below 50.

Kaelon Lattomus, MD
University of Arizona College of Medicine

Where are you from?

Phoenix, AZ

What are your personal interests/hobbies?

Rock climbing, skiing, biking with my dog Bryn, scuba diving and cribbage!

What are your professional interests?

Pediatric emergency medicine, flight/ems, wilderness med and critical care.

Why did you choose UA EM?

Tucson has an incredible history and is the perfect blend of a “large city” with a “small town community.” Specifically, UA EM is a huge reason why I was drawn to the field in the first place. A smile on everyone’s face, good music playing in the background, and top notch educators who were truly invested in your success and growth as a physician and as a person. It’s one big family and I could not be prouder to be apart of it.

Favorite activity in Tucson, or what attracted you to Tucson besides the residency program?

Southern Arizona climbing in my opinion rivals the best in the country and holds a special place in my heart.

What are your non-medical goals during residency?

Continue to tick Cochise classics!!

Mark Lee, DO
Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine

Where are you from?

Cabin John, MD

What are your personal interests/hobbies?

Hiking, camping, playing soccer, and trying to understand how Formula 1 works.

What are your professional interests?

EMS, serving medically underserved communities

Why did you choose UA EM?

During my second look, every resident was excited to talk about the program and the area, but also super easygoing and approachable. Also, the different campuses offer the opportunity to learn in an academic and community center.

Favorite activity in Tucson, or what attracted you to Tucson besides the residency program?

Tucson has incredible mountains with plenty to do outdoors.

What are your non-medical goals during residency?

I hope to focus on health and stay active, value time with family, and convince myself that it’s a responsible decision to get a dog (featured dog is unfortunately not mine).

Tyler Loose, MD
University of Washington School of Medicine

Where are you from?

Laramie, WY

What are your personal interests/hobbies?

Hunting, fishing, hiking, and taking my dog, Tucker, on adventures.

What are your professional interests?

Wilderness Medicine, Sports Medicine, Rural Medicine

Why did you choose UA EM?

The people! All the resident and faculty I met seemed like genuinely great people to be around, both inside and outside the hospital. I was also drawn by the opportunity to have a set percentage of my shifts be both at an academic hospital and a community hospital.

Favorite activity in Tucson, or what attracted you to Tucson besides the residency program?

Amazing food and access to the outdoors.

What are your non-medical goals during residency?

Become a better plant dad, explore the Southwest, and learn Spanish.

Jose Lopez-Rubio, MD
University of Nevada School of Medicine

Where are you from?

Las Vegas, NV

What are your personal interests/hobbies?

I enjoy outdoor activities as much as hanging out on the couch. When it isn't realistic to go outside, I enjoy watching movies or playing video games. I love hiking and fishing but also group sports like basketball (I'm not very good, but I bring that lockdown defense).

What are your professional interests?

I have an interest in Wilderness medicine because of my background and upbringing. I love ultrasound and think that it's awesome how the tool is so dependent on your technical skills. I am looking forward to experiencing more teaching as it was something I started to enjoy very much during my fourth year of medical school.

Why did you choose UA EM?

I thought the addition of border medicine was a unique opportunity that most other residencies lacked. Being Mexican-American, this population is near and dear to my heart. I have also had the fortune to work with grads of the program and was impressed by their knowledge and abilities. My wife and I couples matched and we were both ready to get out of the snow and get back in the glorious oven that is the southwest.

Favorite activity in Tucson, or what attracted you to Tucson besides the residency program?

The combination of small town feel with larger city amenities was a nice middle ground. I look forward to enjoying the variety of biomes that are available with relatively short drives from Tucson.

What are your non-medical goals during residency?

Mainly to grow as a person and partner. I would also love to get a puppy (honestly this will likely have to wait until near the end when I have more time).

Jacob Nilson, DO
Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine

Where are you from?

Eden, UT

What are your personal interests/hobbies?

Mountain biking, skiing, fly fishing, backpacking and hanging out with my wife and kids!

What are your professional interests?

Ultrasound, Wilderness Medicine, Rural Medicine

Why did you choose UA EM?

The amazing faculty and residents, friendly resident culture and a great program with a good mix of academic and community experience.

Favorite activity in Tucson, or what attracted you to Tucson besides the residency program?

Year round outdoor opportunities! Close access to amazing mountain biking and gravel biking.

What are your non-medical goals during residency?

Cultivate new friendships, spend lots of time with my family, and explore the outdoors surrounding Tucson!

Junie Saint Clair, MD
Meharry Medical College School of Medicine

Where are you from?

Paris, France

What are your personal interests/hobbies?

Baking, anything DIY, spending time with my family

What are your professional interests?

Global Health, critical care

Why did you choose UA EM?

Being from France, my openness to relocating anywhere in the U.S. guided me to seek a residency program that would align with both my professional ambitions and my family's needs. It was essential to find a program in a large city that offered diverse clinical experiences yet was close to nature and had a welcoming community environment. Tucson, Arizona, quickly emerged as the ideal location for my Emergency Medicine residency. I was particularly attracted to Tucson's robust clinical exposure and its strong commitment to community-focused healthcare, not to mention, the breathtaking mountain view. The city's dynamic medical community presents a wide array of patient demographics and complex medical cases, ensuring that my training in acute care would be comprehensive. Tucson's renowned institutions and vibrant atmosphere provide an optimal setting to develop under experienced mentors, preparing me to thrive in the fast-paced field of emergency medicine. Meeting residents and faculty during the interview season further solidified my initial positive impressions of the program as the perfect place to pursue my residency training.

Favorite activity in Tucson, or what attracted you to Tucson besides the residency program?

What initially drew me to Tucson was its close proximity to nature and the consistently warm weather year-round. These aspects were particularly appealing as they align perfectly with my desire for a lifestyle that embraces outdoor activities. Additionally, having a mentor at the University of Arizona who offered valuable insights into the city's pace and its compatibility with family life was a significant advantage.

What are your non-medical goals during residency?

My goals include diving into house renovation projects and exploring the natural beauty of Arizona.

Alex Taylor, DO
Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine, Louisiana Campus (VCOM Louisiana)

Where are you from?

Tempe, AZ

What are your personal interests/hobbies?

Running, cycling, traveling, thrift shopping, dancing, and exploring new restaurants with my fiancé (we are huge foodies!)

What are your professional interests?

Ultrasound, Wilderness Medicine, Sports Medicine, and Global Health

Why did you choose UA EM?

I chose UofA due to its insane volume, diverse patient population, supportive faculty, amazing fellowship opportunities and immaculate vibes!

Favorite activity in Tucson, or what attracted you to Tucson besides the residency program?

Tucson is a city with such funky/weird/artsy roots! On top of that the running/cycling infrastructure of Tucson is insane with 100+ miles of paved running/cycling paths. Mt. Lemmon is also like 30 min from the hospital which is an outdoor paradise. The food scene here in Tucson is pretty good too!

What are your non-medical goals during residency?

I hope to become a better runner, dive deeper into the world of cycling, get married, and continue to travel (despite the busy schedule of residency)!