Andrew Damron, DO

Where are you from?
Provo, Utah
What are your personal interests/hobbies?
Hockey, Skateboarding, Snowboarding, Lifting
What are your professional interests?
EMS, Critical Care, Education
Why did you choose UA EM?
I was blown away during my audition rotation. Throughout interview season I found myself comparing all of the programs to U of A, and nothing even came close. The patient acuity and variety in the pathology I saw was far more than any of my other EM rotations. Having EM exposure at an academic center, as well as community shifts, and longitudinal Peds definitely makes me feel like I am getting the best training possible. All of the faculty and residents that I worked and interviewed with were incredible!
Favorite activity in Tucson, or what attracted you to Tucson besides the residency program?
Being able to go outside and enjoy the sun almost every day out of the year!
What are your non-medical goals during residency?
Develop a strong community and relationships with my co-residents, learn to cook Indian food and rock climb!