Mission Statement & Goals

Mission Statement

To advance the research, education, exposure prevention, and clinical care of patients exposed to medications, performance-enhancing substances, dietary supplements, drug of abuse, natural toxins, envenomations, environmental & occupational hazards, including pollutants, and to improve patient and public health, as well as to alleviate suffering from these exposures.


  1. To train physicians, advancing their knowledge of preventive measures, processes, devices, and medications to treat exposures to natural and synthetic chemical hazards.
  2. To train physicians, making them well versed in the effects of chemical exposures in humans and prepare them to give state-of-the-art treatment to patients suffering from chemical exposures, adverse drug effects, medication overdoses, interactions of chemicals, environmental and occupational exposures, use of chemicals for mind-altering effects or physical enhancement, withdrawal syndromes, and envenomations.
  3. To train physicians to apply public health measures, including using poison and drug information centers, pharmacovigilance, toxicovigilance, and collaboration with public health agencies, as well as developing public health regulations and policies to mitigate and minimize the hazardous effects of natural toxins and synthetic toxicants in human populations.
  4. To expand knowledge in the field of medical toxicology through research and publications in toxicovigilance, poison center electronic health record data analysis, clinical trials, institutional review board processes, and hypothesis producing case reports or case series.
  5. To train physicians that have integrity, accountability, and commitment to excellence in their professional lives.
  6. To provide an atmosphere of respect, compassion, collaboration, and diversity of people and thought