Publications by Faculty

Kurt Denninghoff, MD

The 60-day temperature-dependent degradation of midazolam and Lorazepam in the prehospital environment., McMullan, Jason T., Pinnawin Ashley, Jones Elizabeth, Denninghoff Kurt, Siewart Nicholas, Spaite Daniel W., Zaleski Erin, and Silbergleit Robert , Prehosp Emerg Care, 2013 Jan-Mar, Volume 17, Issue 1, p.1-7, (2013)
Balancing the potential risks and benefits of out-of-hospital intubation in traumatic brain injury: the intubation/hyperventilation effect., Gaither, Joshua B., Spaite Daniel W., Bobrow Bentley J., Denninghoff Kurt R., Stolz Uwe, Beskind Daniel L., and Meislin Harvey W. , Ann Emerg Med, 2012 Dec, Volume 60, Issue 6, p.732-6, (2012)
PCV77 Utilization of Medications for Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality in Medicare Beneficiaries, Olvey, E.L., Bootman J.L., Armstrong E.P., Nolan P.E., Sherrill D., Denninghoff K., and Skrepnek G.H. , Value in Health, Jan-06-2012, Volume 15, Issue 4, p.A126, (2012)
Analysis of automated external defibrillator device failures reported to the Food and Drug Administration, DeLuca, Jr., L. A., Simpson A., Beskind D., Grall K., Stoneking L., Stolz U., Spaite D. W., Panchal A. R., and Denninghoff K. R. , Ann Emerg MedAnn Emerg Med, Feb, Volume 59, Number 2, p.103-11, (2012)
Increasing hospital volume is not associated with improved survival in out of hospital cardiac arrest of cardiac etiology, Cudnik, M. T., Sasson C., Rea T. D., Sayre M. R., Zhang J., Bobrow B. J., Spaite D. W., McNally B., Denninghoff K., and Stolz U. , ResuscitationResuscitation, Jul, Volume 83, Number 7, p.862-8, (2012)
Alternative Methods to Central Venous Pressure for Assessing Volume Status in Critically Ill Patients., Stoneking, Lisa, DeLuca Lawrence A., Fiorello Albert B., Munzer Brendan, Baker Nicola, and Denninghoff Kurt R. , J Emerg Nurs, 2012 Oct 19, (2012)
Increasing hospital volume is not associated with improved survival in out of hospital cardiac arrest of cardiac etiology., Cudnik, Michael T., Sasson Comilla, Rea Thomas D., Sayre Michael R., Zhang Jianying, Bobrow Bentley J., Spaite Daniel W., McNally Bryan, Denninghoff Kurt, and Stolz Uwe , Resuscitation, 2012 Jul, Volume 83, Issue 7, p.862-8, (2012)
Balancing the potential risks and benefits of out-of-hospital intubation in traumatic brain injury: the intubation/hyperventilation effect, Gaither, J. B., Spaite D. W., Bobrow B. J., Denninghoff K. R., Stolz U., Beskind D. L., and Meislin H. W. , Ann Emerg MedAnn Emerg Med, Dec, Volume 60, Number 6, p.732-6, (2012)
Retinal oximeter for the blue-green oximetry technique., Denninghoff, Kurt R., Sieluzycka Katarzyna B., Hendryx Jennifer K., Ririe Tyson J., Deluca Lawrence, and Chipman Russell A. , J Biomed Opt, 2011 Oct, Volume 16, Issue 10, p.107004, (2011)
Sepsis Bundles and Compliance With Clinical Guidelines, Stoneking, L., Denninghoff K., DeLuca L., Keim S. M., and Munger B. , Journal of Intensive Care Medicine, Jan-05-2011, Volume 26, Issue 3, p.172 - 182, (2011)
The effectiveness of ultrabrief and brief educational videos for training lay responders in hands-only cardiopulmonary resuscitation: implications for the future of citizen cardiopulmonary resuscitation training., Bobrow, Bentley J., Vadeboncoeur Tyler F., Spaite Daniel W., Potts Jerald, Denninghoff Kurt, Chikani Vatsal, Brazil Paula R., Ramsey Bob, and Abella Benjamin S. , Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes, 2011 Mar, Volume 4, Issue 2, p.220-6, (2011)
Emergency department workload increase: dependence on primary care?, Tranquada, Kim E., Denninghoff Kurt R., King Melanie E., Davis Stephen M., and Rosen Peter , J Emerg Med, 2010 Apr, Volume 38, Issue 3, p.279-85, (2010)
Effect of transport interval on out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival in the OPALS study: implications for triaging patients to specialized cardiac arrest centers., Spaite, Daniel W., Stiell Ian G., Bobrow Bentley J., de Boer Melanie, Maloney Justin, Denninghoff Kurt, Vadeboncoeur Tyler F., Dreyer Jonathan, and Wells George A. , Ann Emerg Med, 2009 Aug, Volume 54, Issue 2, p.248-55, (2009)
Epidemiology of organophosphate pesticide poisoning in Taiwan., Lin, Tzeng Jih, Walter Frank Gardner, Hung Dong Zong, Tsai Jin Lian, Hu Sheng Chuan, San Chang Jung, Deng Jou-Fang, San Chase Jung, Denninghoff Kurt, and Chan Hon Man , Clin Toxicol (Phila), 2008 Nov, Volume 46, Issue 9, p.794-801, (2008)
Diffuse spectral fundus reflectance measured using subretinally placed spectralon., Salyer, David A., Denninghoff Kurt R., Beaudry Neil, Basavanthappa Sreenivasa, Park Robert I., and Chipman Russell A. , J Biomed Opt, 2008 Jul-Aug, Volume 13, Issue 4, p.044004, (2008)
Emergent endotracheal intubation and mortality in traumatic brain injury., Denninghoff, Kurt R., Griffin Mervin J., Bartolucci Alfred A., Lobello Steven G., and Fine Phillip R. , West J Emerg Med, 2008 Nov, Volume 9, Issue 4, p.184-9, (2008)
Blue-green spectral minimum correlates with oxyhemoglobin saturation in vivo., Denninghoff, Kurt R., Salyer David A., Basavanthappa Sreenivasa, Park Robert I., and Chipman Russell A. , J Biomed Opt, 2008 Sep-Oct, Volume 13, Issue 5, p.054059, (2008)
Blood oxyhemoglobin saturation measurements by blue-green spectral shift., Denninghoff, Kurt R., Chipman Russell A., and Hillman Lloyd W. , J Biomed Opt, 2007 May-Jun, Volume 12, Issue 3, p.034020, (2007)
Oxyhemoglobin saturation measurements by green spectral shift., Denninghoff, Kurt R., Chipman Russell A., and Hillman Lloyd W. , Opt Lett, 2006 Apr 1, Volume 31, Issue 7, p.924-6, (2006)
Retinal oximetry using intravitreal illumination., Salyer, David A., Beaudry Neil, Basavanthappa Sreenivasa, Twietmeyer Karen, Eskandari Mohammad, Denninghoff Kurt R., Chipman Russell A., and Park Robert I. , Curr Eye Res, 2006 Jul-Aug, Volume 31, Issue 7-8, p.617-27, (2006)
Retinal venous oxygen saturation and cardiac output during controlled hemorrhage and resuscitation., Denninghoff, Kurt R., Smith Matthew H., Lompado Art, and Hillman Lloyd W. , J Appl Physiol (1985), 2003 Mar, Volume 94, Issue 3, p.891-6, (2003)
Emergency medicine: competencies for youth violence prevention and control., Denninghoff, Kurt R., Knox Lyndee, Cunningham Rebecca, and Partain Sandi , Acad Emerg Med, 2002 Sep, Volume 9, Issue 9, p.947-56, (2002)
Optical model of the blood in large retinal vessels., Denninghoff, K R., and Smith M H. , J Biomed Opt, 2000 Oct, Volume 5, Issue 4, p.371-4, (2000)
Enrollment of sudden cardiac death victims into a limited cardiac autopsy study in the emergency department., Denninghoff, K R. , J Natl Med Assoc, 2000 Jan, Volume 92, Issue 1, p.36-8, (2000)
Effect of multiple light paths on retinal vessel oximetry., Smith, M H., Denninghoff K R., Lompado A, and Hillman L W. , Appl Opt, 2000 Mar 1, Volume 39, Issue 7, p.1183-93, (2000)
