Publications by Faculty
Matthew Berkman, MD
Do Topical Antibiotics Help Prevent Infection in Minor Traumatic Uncomplicated Soft Tissue Wounds?,
, Annals of Emergency Medicine, Jan-01-2013, Volume 61, Issue 1, p.86 - 88, (2013)
Resident-initiated advanced triage effect on emergency department patient flow.,
, J Emerg Med, 2013 Nov, Volume 45, Issue 5, p.746-51, (2013)
Daniel Beskind, MD, MPH, FACEP
Availability and use of medications by prehospital providers trained to manage medical complications of patients in hazardous materials incidents.,
, Am J Disaster Med, 2021 Summer, Volume 16, Issue 3, p.215-223, (2021)
Viewing an Ultra-Brief Chest Compression Only Video Improves some measures of Bystander CPR Performance and Responsiveness at a Mass Gathering Event.,
, Resuscitation, 2017 Jul 15, (2017)
Viewing a brief chest-compression-only CPR video improves bystander CPR performance and responsiveness in high school students: A cluster randomized trial,
, Resuscitation, Jan-07-2016, Volume 104, p.28 - 33, (2016)
A comparison of the prehospital motor component of the Glasgow coma scale (mGCS) to the prehospital total GCS (tGCS) as a prehospital risk adjustment measure for trauma patients.,
, Prehosp Emerg Care, 2014 Jan-Mar, Volume 18, Issue 1, p.68-75, (2014)
When should you test for and treat hypoglycemia in prehospital seizure patients?,
, Prehosp Emerg Care, 2014 Jul-Sep, Volume 18, Issue 3, p.433-41, (2014)
Cost of an acting intern: clinical productivity in the academic emergency department.,
, J Emerg Med, 2014 Aug, Volume 47, Issue 2, p.216-22, (2014)
Does the experience of the writer affect the evaluative components on the standardized letter of recommendation in emergency medicine?,
, J Emerg Med, 2014 Apr, Volume 46, Issue 4, p.544-50, (2014)
Balancing the potential risks and benefits of out-of-hospital intubation in traumatic brain injury: the intubation/hyperventilation effect.,
, Ann Emerg Med, 2012 Dec, Volume 60, Issue 6, p.732-6, (2012)
Analysis of automated external defibrillator device failures reported to the Food and Drug Administration,
, Ann Emerg MedAnn Emerg Med, Feb, Volume 59, Number 2, p.103-11, (2012)
Balancing the potential risks and benefits of out-of-hospital intubation in traumatic brain injury: the intubation/hyperventilation effect,
, Ann Emerg MedAnn Emerg Med, Dec, Volume 60, Number 6, p.732-6, (2012)
Risk adjustment measures and outcome measures for prehospital trauma research: recommendations from the emergency medical services outcomes project (EMSOP).,
, Acad Emerg Med, 2011 Sep, Volume 18, Issue 9, p.988-1000, (2011)
Hans Bradshaw, MD
A Guide to Pain Assessment and Management in the Neonate.,
, Curr Emerg Hosp Med Rep, 2016, Volume 4, p.1-10, (2016)
Cost of an acting intern: clinical productivity in the academic emergency department.,
, J Emerg Med, 2014 Aug, Volume 47, Issue 2, p.216-22, (2014)
Does the experience of the writer affect the evaluative components on the standardized letter of recommendation in emergency medicine?,
, J Emerg Med, 2014 Apr, Volume 46, Issue 4, p.544-50, (2014)
Lisa Chan, MD
Theme-based teaching of point-of-care ultrasound in undergraduate medical education.,
, Intern Emerg Med, 2015 Mar 13, (2015)
Attributes and behaviors associated with opioid seeking in the emergency department.,
, J Opioid Manag, 2007 Sep-Oct, Volume 3, Issue 5, p.244-8, (2007)
Urine nitrite not correlated with bacterial resistance to cephalosporins.,
, J Emerg Med, 2005 Apr, Volume 28, Issue 3, p.321-3, (2005)
Rate-related bundle branch block: an uncommon wide complex tachycardia.,
, Am J Emerg Med, 2004 Mar, Volume 22, Issue 2, p.132-5, (2004)
Gestational transient thyrotoxicosis.,
, Am J Emerg Med, 2003 Oct, Volume 21, Issue 6, p.506, (2003)
Integration of digital imaging into emergency medicine education.,
, Acad Emerg Med, 2002 Jan, Volume 9, Issue 1, p.93-5, (2002)
Lawrence DeLuca, Jr., EdD, MD
Impact and feasibility of an emergency department-based ventilator-associated pneumonia bundle for patients intubated in an academic emergency department.,
, Am J Infect Control, 2016 Sep 21, (2016)
Physician Documentation of Sepsis Syndrome Is Associated with More Aggressive Treatment,
, Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, Jan-05-2015, Volume 16, Issue 3, p.401 - 407, (2015)