Retinal imaging techniques in diabetes.

TitleRetinal imaging techniques in diabetes.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsDenninghoff KR, Smith MH, Hillman L
JournalDiabetes Technol Ther
Date Published2000 Spring
ISSN Number1520-9156
KeywordsAnimals, Anoxia, Diabetic Retinopathy, Humans, Oximetry, Oxygen, Retinal Vessels

Diabetic retinopathy is progressive, and detection early is essential for the prevention of blindness. Doppler flowmetry, retinal photography, scanning laser ophthalmoscopy, and retinal oximetry measurements may identify proliferative disease early. Drawbacks of these methods include lack of compliance, failure to refer, and failure to identify disease early. As a result, diabetic retinopathy is a leading cause of blindness. Our retinal oximeter measures the blood oxygen saturation in the large vessels of the retina near the optic disc. Retinal vessel oxygen saturations measured with our instrument are sensitive indicators of blood loss and hypoxia in swine. We are generating scientific data that suggests that retinal vessel oxygen saturations may be used to identify retinal hypoxia prior to changes in retinal vessel architecture. We expect to study humans within the next two years, and a clinically useful eye oximeter should be available in the near future.

Alternate JournalDiabetes Technol. Ther.
PubMed ID11467308
Faculty Reference: 
Kurt Denninghoff, MD