Matthew Berkman, MD

Matthew Berkman, MD

Clinical Professor
Medical Director, Banner-UMC South
Member, Promotion & Tenure Committee


1501 N. Campbell Ave.
PO Box 245057 Tucson AZ 85724
(520) 626-6312
(520) 626-2480 NON-CLINICAL

Matthew R. Berkman, MD, joined the department in 2007. He currently serves as medical director at Banner - University Medical Center South, as well as the faculty adviser for the University of Arizona College of Medicine Emergency Medicine Interest Group.

Dr. Berkman, born and raised in Tucson, is a University of Arizona alumnus.  He received his bachelor’s degree in molecular and cellular biology, graduating summa cum laude, and his medical degree as a Regent’s Scholar. He completed his training at Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston.

In 2013, as part of the Clinical Medical Student Teaching Faculty (CMSTF), he received the Academy of Medical Education Scholars (AMES) Block and Clerkship Award. He also was honored with the inaugural Faculty Leadership Award from the University of Arizona Medical Center – South Campus Emergency Medicine Residency.

He has authored and co-authored book chapters and journal articles and has presented at national and international conferences.


MD: 2003, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
2006, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA

Selected Recent Publications

Lane AD, Berkman MR, Verbunker D, et al. "Retrospective Chart Analysis of Concussion Discharge Instructions in the Emergency Department." J Emerg Med. 2017.
Hiller K, Viscusi C, Beskind D, Bradshaw H, Berkman M, Greene S. "Cost of an acting intern: clinical productivity in the academic emergency department." J Emerg Med. 2014;47(2):216-22.
Waterbrook AL, Hiller K, Hays DP, Berkman M. "Do Topical Antibiotics Help Prevent Infection in Minor Traumatic Uncomplicated Soft Tissue Wounds?" Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2013;61(1):86-88.
Waterbrook AL, Hiller K, Hays DP, Berkman M. "Do topical antibiotics help prevent infection in minor traumatic uncomplicated soft tissue wounds?" Ann Emerg Med. 2013;61(1):86-8.


Banner - University Medical Center Tucson Contact 520-694-0111
Banner - University Medical Center South Contact 520-874-2000