Faculty Resources

Whom do I contact if I am thinking of applying for a promotion and/or tenure?
Who are the members of the DEM P&T Committee?
When should I start preparing for promotion?
  • Every year at your annual review, you should check with your mentor, the P&T committee, and department chair to determine if you are on track to promote.
  • As soon as you decide to apply for promotion (no later than May 15), contact P&T coordinators and begin gathering materials (including updating your CV in the Provost format). You must meet with coordinators to discuss the timeline and checklist for turning in materials to the department.
What is the timeline for promotion applications?
Jan - May Candidate notifies Faculty Affairs and DEM of promotion intentions
Meets with coordinators prior to April workshops
April Candidate attends workshops on P&T process and dossiers
May - Aug. Candidate prepares and submits dossier sections as completed to P&T coordinators
(CV and personal statement due July 1)
By Aug. 31 Candidate delivers all completed dossier materials to department
Sept. - Nov. Candidate makes updates and edits to materials as requested by P&T coordinators
Dec. - Jan. Application finalized and, if approved by DEM, submitted to COM before January
Final approval will come from COM
April - June Candidate receives letters regarding decisions
What materials should I start gathering immediately?
  • 2-3 names of suggested outside evaluators – these are people with similar academic focus or interests who will review your dossier. Note:
    • Must be at or above the level for which you are applying
    • Must not be a collaborator or close personal acquaintance
    • Can use members of national groups or committees to which you belong or are familiar with
    • Make Google your friend here!
  • List of collaborators, including email addresses and institutions, from whom coordinators will solicit collaborator letters – no numerical limit (letters will require wet/scanned signatures)
  • List of non-collaborators (colleagues, former students/residents, mentors, etc.) from whom we will solicit letters of support – no numerical limit (letters will require wet/scanned signatures)
  • Teaching evaluations from period in current rank (contact DEM education coordinators)
  • (2) peer evaluations from the past year (we will provide evaluation forms for either lecture, small group or bedside teaching) are required. Peer reviewers must be at or above rank you are applying for.
Where can I find more resources from the College of Medicine and the University of Arizona?