Publications by Faculty
Kurt Denninghoff, MD
Retinal oximeter for the blue-green oximetry technique.,
, J Biomed Opt, 2011 Oct, Volume 16, Issue 10, p.107004, (2011)
Sepsis Bundles and Compliance With Clinical Guidelines,
, Journal of Intensive Care Medicine, Jan-05-2011, Volume 26, Issue 3, p.172 - 182, (2011)
The effectiveness of ultrabrief and brief educational videos for training lay responders in hands-only cardiopulmonary resuscitation: implications for the future of citizen cardiopulmonary resuscitation training.,
, Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes, 2011 Mar, Volume 4, Issue 2, p.220-6, (2011)
Emergency department workload increase: dependence on primary care?,
, J Emerg Med, 2010 Apr, Volume 38, Issue 3, p.279-85, (2010)
Effect of transport interval on out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival in the OPALS study: implications for triaging patients to specialized cardiac arrest centers.,
, Ann Emerg Med, 2009 Aug, Volume 54, Issue 2, p.248-55, (2009)
Epidemiology of organophosphate pesticide poisoning in Taiwan.,
, Clin Toxicol (Phila), 2008 Nov, Volume 46, Issue 9, p.794-801, (2008)
Blue-green spectral minimum correlates with oxyhemoglobin saturation in vivo.,
, J Biomed Opt, 2008 Sep-Oct, Volume 13, Issue 5, p.054059, (2008)
Diffuse spectral fundus reflectance measured using subretinally placed spectralon.,
, J Biomed Opt, 2008 Jul-Aug, Volume 13, Issue 4, p.044004, (2008)
Emergent endotracheal intubation and mortality in traumatic brain injury.,
, West J Emerg Med, 2008 Nov, Volume 9, Issue 4, p.184-9, (2008)
Blood oxyhemoglobin saturation measurements by blue-green spectral shift.,
, J Biomed Opt, 2007 May-Jun, Volume 12, Issue 3, p.034020, (2007)
Oxyhemoglobin saturation measurements by green spectral shift.,
, Opt Lett, 2006 Apr 1, Volume 31, Issue 7, p.924-6, (2006)
Retinal oximetry using intravitreal illumination.,
, Curr Eye Res, 2006 Jul-Aug, Volume 31, Issue 7-8, p.617-27, (2006)
Retinal venous oxygen saturation and cardiac output during controlled hemorrhage and resuscitation.,
, J Appl Physiol (1985), 2003 Mar, Volume 94, Issue 3, p.891-6, (2003)
Emergency medicine: competencies for youth violence prevention and control.,
, Acad Emerg Med, 2002 Sep, Volume 9, Issue 9, p.947-56, (2002)
Effect of multiple light paths on retinal vessel oximetry.,
, Appl Opt, 2000 Mar 1, Volume 39, Issue 7, p.1183-93, (2000)
Retinal imaging techniques in diabetes.,
, Diabetes Technol Ther, 2000 Spring, Volume 2, Issue 1, p.111-3, (2000)
Optical model of the blood in large retinal vessels.,
, J Biomed Opt, 2000 Oct, Volume 5, Issue 4, p.371-4, (2000)
Enrollment of sudden cardiac death victims into a limited cardiac autopsy study in the emergency department.,
, J Natl Med Assoc, 2000 Jan, Volume 92, Issue 1, p.36-8, (2000)
Retinal venous oxygen saturation correlates with blood volume.,
, Acad Emerg Med, 1998 Jun, Volume 5, Issue 6, p.577-82, (1998)
Oxygen Saturation Measurements of Blood in Retinal Vessels during Blood Loss.,
, J Biomed Opt, 1998 Jul, Volume 3, Issue 3, p.296-303, (1998)
Teaching students during an emergency walk-in clinic rotation does not delay care.,
, Acad Med, 1998 Dec, Volume 73, Issue 12, p.1311, (1998)
Retinal large vessel oxygen saturations correlate with early blood loss and hypoxia in anesthetized swine.,
, J Trauma, 1997 Jul, Volume 43, Issue 1, p.29-34, (1997)