Faculty Mentoring

The College of Medicine’s Dean’s Council on Faculty Affairs has developed an initiative to increase the engagement, retention, and promotion of faculty. The Faculty Fellows Mentoring Program, developed collaboratively between the College’s Office of Faculty Affairs and its Office of Diversity and Inclusion, aims to offer individualized mentorship, career planning, research training, networking, and funding for professional development. Fellows and mentors have been recruited to implement the program throughout the College.

The Department of Emergency Medicine has long recognized the benefits of mentorship for early-career faculty clinicians. The department created its own formalized mentoring program, DEM Road Map, and Mentoring Program in 2003 to provide clear strategies for career advancement for its faculty.

The DEM program pairs a senior faculty member as a primary mentor with a more junior faculty member. All faculty create written career road maps vetted with mentors assigned by the department. Annual goals are driven by these road maps and are linked to annual performance reviews. Currently, Frank Walter, MD, professor of emergency medicine, directs the DEM mentoring program.

Faculty survey results have shown DEM faculty have greatly benefited from the department’s promotion criteria, academic mission, and mentoring process and the department has shared its mentoring road map with the College.

DEM Mentoring Resources:

College of Medicine Mentorship Resources

UA Mentoring Resources