EMS Fellowship

The University of Arizona Department of Emergency Medicine is pleased to offer a one-year Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fellowship training program. This ACGME-accredited fellowship is designed to provide graduates of an emergency medicine residency program with additional training to prepare fellows for the American Board of Emergency Medicine EMS board exam and to become the future leaders in EMS.
The University of Arizona Emergency Medicine has been a leader in EMS internationally, nationally and at the local and state level for over 30 years. The physicians of the Department of Emergency Medicine have received international recognition for their EMS research and clinical activities. Through our work in Southern Arizona, EMS fellows have the opportunity to learn by working side by side with EMS physicians, nurses and paramedics engaged with multiple outstanding local EMS agencies. Together with the UA Department of Emergency Medicine, EMD fellows have the opportunity to help provide medical direction for the majority of the patients receiving prehospital medical care in Southern Arizona.
Through a dedicated EMS fellowship curriculum including didactic time, field practice, public safety answering point (PSAP) activities, flight time, and a variety of other EMS activities, fellows gain experience in the provision of prehospital care for a variety of acutely ill and injured patients. Additionally, with the expertise of our faculty, we are able to offer not only an outstanding core EMS fellowship experience, but also other niche EMS faculty support in the areas of: Wilderness Medicine, HAZMAT, Tactical and Military Medicine, Pediatric EMS, Disaster planning/response, and student EMS.
We hope you will consider being a part of our EMS Fellowship program. Interested applicants should submit their application through the process below:
Click here for: Application Process