Critical Care Fellowship

The University of Arizona Department of Emergency Medicine, in partnership with the Department of Medicine, Section of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Allergy and Sleep, offers a two-year critical care fellowship program preparing fellows for the IM-CCM board examination.
The department’s critical care section is proud of our integration of critical care practices into the emergency department, and partnering with our colleagues with other areas of expertise leads to improved outcomes in critically ill patients from their prehospital encounter through their hospital stay. We have an enriched resident didactic and clinical experience that entails dedicated lectures, journal clubs, simulation time, elective rotations, and case discussions. Fellows will train in the management of critically ill patients in the medical, trauma/surgical, neurological, and cardiovascular intensive care units.
Fellows have the opportunity to moonlight in the emergency department as an attending during the fellowship period at a busy urban academic medical center. Fellows will become proficient in advanced airway management, ultrasound utilization in critical care, bronchoscopy, advanced ventilator, and alternative gas exchange modes, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), and are allowed elective time to pursue individual interests within emergency medicine and critical care, as well as develop research interests of their own.
Our critical care faculty are dedicated to advancing emergency medicine with education, clinical initiatives, and research. We recognize that anesthesia-based critical care programs interview in Spring and that applicants have a difficult choice. We are happy to field questions, calls, and will meet with any applicant with questions about our fellowship for those trying to decide between anesthesia and medicine-based programs. However, our program is joining the other medicine-based programs in using ERAS for our application/interview activities. Please email questions to Dr. Jarrod Mosier, Associate Program Director,
Click here for Application Process.