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Frequently Asked Questions - CPR
All the sessions will be videotaped and you may watch them either in Tucson (in the ITC area of the library) or Phoenix (at the Campus office). You will receive didactic session credit if you watch the tape and log in to record the session.
Some of the top researchers in CPR in the world are right here at the University of Arizona! This will literally be a series of top-flight presentations from the "leading edge" covering the clinical and basic science research, educational techniques, ethics, politics, and even economics of CPR.
A list of all the CPR teaching sites in Tucson and Phoenix will be sent to all registered students and be posted on a CPR Elective bulletin board and Website.
When you successfully complete all the components of the course, you will be awarded (3) College of Medicine elective credits.
You will have to register for a class slot (class size limited), become a CPR Instructor, attend a set number of the monthly Didactic Sessions (see schedule), and teach a set number of CPR sessions.
To become an expert and advocate for a crucial step in saving lives: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.