Vivienne Ng, MD, MPH

Vivienne Ng, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor
Director, Medical Simulation Fellowship
Associate Director, University Campus Residency


1501 N. Campbell Ave.
PO Box 245057 Tucson AZ 85724
(520) 626- 6312
(520) 626-2480 NON-CLINICAL

Dr. Ng grew up in several areas of the United States, settling most recently on the West Coast where she completed her undergraduate and public health training at the University of California Berkeley focusing on infectious disease epidemiology, with a special interest in Global Health and Maternal and Child Health. After a brief stint in upstate New York for medical school, she returned quickly to California, where the sun shines for the better part of the year for residency and fellowship training.

She joined the University of Arizona faculty in 2013 to build the simulation education curriculum for the department of emergency medicine. In addition to her simulation work, she is also an Associate Program Director for the University Campus Emergency Medicine Residency Program and the Director for the Medical Simulation Fellowship. She additionally mentors medical students as a core faculty advisor for EM bound students at the UA.

Her professional interests include medical education and mentorship, simulation education, pediatric emergency care, and global health.  She spends her free time traveling, trying new foods, and exploring new outdoor wonders with her family and dog.


MD: 2009, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY
MPH: 2005, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
2012, University of California, Davis, Sacramento, CA
2013, University of California, Davis, Sacramento, CA

Research and Academic Interests and Expertise

Teaching Interests: Simulation-based education, including crisis resource managment and procedral competency; Infectious diseases and antibiotic stewardship; Multi-modal pain management

Research Interests: Simulation-based education; Curriculum development and assessment; Pediatric emergency care

Selected Recent Publications

Vora S, Li J, Kou M, et al. "ACEP SimBox: A Pediatric Simulation-Based Training Innovation." Ann Emerg Med. 2021;78(3):346-354.
Hughes KE, Hughes PG, Cahir T, et al. "Advanced closed-loop communication training: the blindfolded resuscitation." BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning. 2020;6(4):235-238.
Ng V, Plitt J, Biffar D. "Development of a Novel Ultrasound-guided Peritonsillar Abscess Model for Simulation Training." West J Emerg Med. 2018;19(1):172-176.


Board Certification: 
ABEM, Emergency Medicine, 2013
Banner - University Medical Center Tucson Phone 520-694-0111
Banner - University Medical Center South Contact 520-874-2000