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Lubarsky M, Kalb B, Sharma P, Keim SM, Martin DR.  2013.  MR imaging for acute nontraumatic abdominopelvic pain: rationale and practical considerations.. Radiographics. 33(2):313-37.
Svirsky I, Stoneking LR, Grall K, Berkman M, Stolz U, Shirazi F.  2013.  Resident-initiated advanced triage effect on emergency department patient flow.. J Emerg Med. 45(5):746-51.
Vázquez JAlejandro, Adducci Mdel Carmen, Coll C, Monzón DGodoy, Iserson KV.  2012.  Acute meningitis prognosis using cerebrospinal fluid interleukin-6 levels.. J Emerg Med. 43(2):322-7.
Cienki JJ, DeLuca LA.  2012.  Agreement between emergency medical services and expert blood pressure measurements.. J Emerg Med. 43(1):64-8.
Sakles JC, Mosier J, Chiu S, Cosentino M, Kalin L.  2012.  A comparison of the C-MAC video laryngoscope to the Macintosh direct laryngoscope for intubation in the emergency department.. Ann Emerg Med. 60(6):739-48.
Kernan L, Ito S, Shirazi F, Boesen K.  2012.  Fatal gastrointestinal hemorrhage after a single dose of dabigatran.. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 50(7):571-3.
Bisanzo M, Nichols K, Hammerstedt H, Dreifuss B, Nelson SW, Chamberlain S, Kyomugisha F, Noble A, Arthur A, Thomas S.  2012.  Nurse-administered ketamine sedation in an emergency department in rural Uganda.. Ann Emerg Med. 59(4):268-75.
Monzón DGodoy, Iserson KV, Cid A, Vazquez JA.  2012.  Oral thromboprophylaxis in pelvic trauma: a standardized protocol.. J Emerg Med. 43(4):612-7.
Heidenreich JW, Bonner A, Sanders AB.  2012.  Rescuer fatigue in the elderly: standard vs. hands-only CPR.. J Emerg Med. 42(1):88-92.
M Mohler J, Wendel CS, Mosier J, Itty A, Fain M, Clark L, Bobrow B, Sanders AB.  2011.  Cardiocerebral resuscitation improves out-of-hospital survival in older adults.. J Am Geriatr Soc. 59(5):822-6.
Blewer AL, Leary M, Decker CS, Andersen JC, Fredericks AC, Bobrow BJ, Abella BS.  2011.  Cardiopulmonary resuscitation training of family members before hospital discharge using video self-instruction: a feasibility trial.. J Hosp Med. 6(7):428-32.
Patanwala AE, Stahle SA, Sakles JC, Erstad BL.  2011.  Comparison of succinylcholine and rocuronium for first-attempt intubation success in the emergency department.. Acad Emerg Med. 18(1):10-4.
Adhikari S, Zeger W, Schmier C, Crum T, Craven A, Frrokaj I, Pang H, Shostrom V.  2011.  Pilot study to determine the utility of point-of-care ultrasound in the assessment of difficult laryngoscopy.. Acad Emerg Med. 18(7):754-8.
Blaivas M, Adhikari S, Lander L.  2011.  A prospective comparison of procedural sedation and ultrasound-guided interscalene nerve block for shoulder reduction in the emergency department.. Acad Emerg Med. 18(9):922-7.
Sakles JC, Mosier J, Hadeed G, Hudson M, Valenzuela T, Latifi R.  2011.  Telemedicine and telepresence for prehospital and remote hospital tracheal intubation using a GlideScope™ videolaryngoscope: a model for tele-intubation.. Telemed J E Health. 17(3):185-8.
Carpenter CR, Keim SM, Milne WKenneth, Meurer WJ, Barsan WG.  2011.  Thrombolytic therapy for acute ischemic stroke beyond three hours.. J Emerg Med. 40(1):82-92.
Mosier J, Itty A, Sanders A, Mohler J, Wendel C, Poulsen J, Shellenberger J, Clark L, Bobrow B.  2010.  Cardiocerebral resuscitation is associated with improved survival and neurologic outcome from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in elders.. Acad Emerg Med. 17(3):269-75.
Bobrow BJ, Spaite DW, Berg RA, Stolz U, Sanders AB, Kern KB, Vadeboncoeur TF, Clark LL, Gallagher JV, J Stapczynski S et al..  2010.  Chest compression-only CPR by lay rescuers and survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.. JAMA. 304(13):1447-54.
Lehman-Huskamp K, Rebmann T, Walter FG, Weber J, Scalzo A.  2010.  Disaster preparedness education and a Midwest Regional Poison Center.. Am J Disaster Med. 5(4):229-36.
Demaerschalk BM, Bobrow BJ, Raman R, Kiernan T-EJ, Aguilar MI, Ingall TJ, Dodick DW, Ward MP, Richemont PC, Brazdys K et al..  2010.  Stroke team remote evaluation using a digital observation camera in Arizona: the initial mayo clinic experience trial.. Stroke. 41(6):1251-8.
Volz K, Rosen C, Wolfe R, Ban K, Sakles J, Bramwell K, Davis D, Rosen P, Sanchez L.  2009.  A 67-year-old man with anterior neck swelling.. Intern Emerg Med. 4(4):333-8.
Stolz U., McKenzie L.B, Mehan T.J, Smith G.A.  2009.  Assessing public opinion regarding potential ATV-related policies. J Safety ResJ Safety Res. 40:149-55.
Stolz U, McKenzie LB, Mehan TJ, Smith GA.  2009.  Assessing public opinion regarding potential ATV-related policies.. J Safety Res. 40(2):149-55.
Spaite DW, Stiell IG, Bobrow BJ, de Boer M, Maloney J, Denninghoff K, Vadeboncoeur TF, Dreyer J, Wells GA.  2009.  Effect of transport interval on out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival in the OPALS study: implications for triaging patients to specialized cardiac arrest centers.. Ann Emerg Med. 54(2):248-55.
Bobrow BJ, Ewy GA, Clark L, Chikani V, Berg RA, Sanders AB, Vadeboncoeur TF, Hilwig RW, Kern KB.  2009.  Passive oxygen insufflation is superior to bag-valve-mask ventilation for witnessed ventricular fibrillation out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.. Ann Emerg Med. 54(5):656-662.e1.
