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MR imaging for acute nontraumatic abdominopelvic pain: rationale and practical considerations.. Radiographics. 33(2):313-37.
2013. Resident-initiated advanced triage effect on emergency department patient flow.. J Emerg Med. 45(5):746-51.
2013. Acute meningitis prognosis using cerebrospinal fluid interleukin-6 levels.. J Emerg Med. 43(2):322-7.
2012. Agreement between emergency medical services and expert blood pressure measurements.. J Emerg Med. 43(1):64-8.
2012. A comparison of the C-MAC video laryngoscope to the Macintosh direct laryngoscope for intubation in the emergency department.. Ann Emerg Med. 60(6):739-48.
2012. Fatal gastrointestinal hemorrhage after a single dose of dabigatran.. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 50(7):571-3.
2012. Nurse-administered ketamine sedation in an emergency department in rural Uganda.. Ann Emerg Med. 59(4):268-75.
2012. Oral thromboprophylaxis in pelvic trauma: a standardized protocol.. J Emerg Med. 43(4):612-7.
2012. Rescuer fatigue in the elderly: standard vs. hands-only CPR.. J Emerg Med. 42(1):88-92.
2012. Cardiocerebral resuscitation improves out-of-hospital survival in older adults.. J Am Geriatr Soc. 59(5):822-6.
2011. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation training of family members before hospital discharge using video self-instruction: a feasibility trial.. J Hosp Med. 6(7):428-32.
2011. Comparison of succinylcholine and rocuronium for first-attempt intubation success in the emergency department.. Acad Emerg Med. 18(1):10-4.
2011. Pilot study to determine the utility of point-of-care ultrasound in the assessment of difficult laryngoscopy.. Acad Emerg Med. 18(7):754-8.
2011. A prospective comparison of procedural sedation and ultrasound-guided interscalene nerve block for shoulder reduction in the emergency department.. Acad Emerg Med. 18(9):922-7.
2011. Telemedicine and telepresence for prehospital and remote hospital tracheal intubation using a GlideScope™ videolaryngoscope: a model for tele-intubation.. Telemed J E Health. 17(3):185-8.
2011. Thrombolytic therapy for acute ischemic stroke beyond three hours.. J Emerg Med. 40(1):82-92.
2011. Cardiocerebral resuscitation is associated with improved survival and neurologic outcome from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in elders.. Acad Emerg Med. 17(3):269-75.
2010. Chest compression-only CPR by lay rescuers and survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.. JAMA. 304(13):1447-54.
2010. Disaster preparedness education and a Midwest Regional Poison Center.. Am J Disaster Med. 5(4):229-36.
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2010. A 67-year-old man with anterior neck swelling.. Intern Emerg Med. 4(4):333-8.
2009. Assessing public opinion regarding potential ATV-related policies. J Safety ResJ Safety Res. 40:149-55.
2009. Assessing public opinion regarding potential ATV-related policies.. J Safety Res. 40(2):149-55.
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