Publications by Faculty

Daniel Beskind, MD, MPH, FACEP

Availability and use of medications by prehospital providers trained to manage medical complications of patients in hazardous materials incidents., K Mhayamaguru, Moses, Gaither Joshua B., French Robert N. E., Christopher Nicholas D., Waters Kristina E., Jado Isrealia, Rice Amber D., Beskind Daniel, Knotts Mary C., Ronnebaum Jennifer, et al. , Am J Disaster Med, 2021 Summer, Volume 16, Issue 3, p.215-223, (2021)
Viewing an Ultra-Brief Chest Compression Only Video Improves some measures of Bystander CPR Performance and Responsiveness at a Mass Gathering Event., Beskind, Daniel L., Stolz Uwe, Thiede Rebecca, Hoyer Riley, Robertson Whitney, Brown Jeffrey, Ludgate Melissa, Tiutan Timothy, Shane Romy, McMorrow Deven, et al. , Resuscitation, 2017 Jul 15, (2017)
Viewing a brief chest-compression-only CPR video improves bystander CPR performance and responsiveness in high school students: A cluster randomized trial, Beskind, Daniel L., Thiede Rebecca, Hoyer Riley, Burns Whitney, Brown Jeffrey, Ludgate Melissa, Tiutan Timothy, Shane Romy, McMorrow Deven, Pleasants Michael, et al. , Resuscitation, Jan-07-2016, Volume 104, p.28 - 33, (2016)
Viewing a brief chest-compression-only CPR video improves bystander CPR performance and responsiveness in high school students: A cluster randomized trial., Beskind, Daniel L., Stolz Uwe, Thiede Rebecca, Hoyer Riley, Burns Whitney, Brown Jeffrey, Ludgate Melissa, Tiutan Timothy, Shane Romy, McMorrow Deven, et al. , Resuscitation, 2016 Apr 22, (2016)
Does the experience of the writer affect the evaluative components on the standardized letter of recommendation in emergency medicine?, Beskind, Daniel L., Hiller Katherine M., Stolz Uwe, Bradshaw Hans, Berkman Matthew, Stoneking Lisa R., Fiorello Albert, Min Alice, Viscusi Chad, and Grall Kristi J. H. , J Emerg Med, 2014 Apr, Volume 46, Issue 4, p.544-50, (2014)
When should you test for and treat hypoglycemia in prehospital seizure patients?, Beskind, Daniel L., Rhodes Suzanne Michelle, Stolz Uwe, Birrer Brett, Mayfield Thomas R., Bourn Scott, and Denninghoff Kurt , Prehosp Emerg Care, 2014 Jul-Sep, Volume 18, Issue 3, p.433-41, (2014)
Cost of an acting intern: clinical productivity in the academic emergency department., Hiller, Katherine, Viscusi Chad, Beskind Daniel, Bradshaw Hans, Berkman Matthew, and Greene Spencer , J Emerg Med, 2014 Aug, Volume 47, Issue 2, p.216-22, (2014)
A comparison of the prehospital motor component of the Glasgow coma scale (mGCS) to the prehospital total GCS (tGCS) as a prehospital risk adjustment measure for trauma patients., Beskind, Daniel L., Stolz Uwe, Gross Austin, Earp Ryan, Mitchelson Justin, Judkins Dan, Bowlby Paul, and Guillen-Rodriguez Jose M. , Prehosp Emerg Care, 2014 Jan-Mar, Volume 18, Issue 1, p.68-75, (2014)
Balancing the potential risks and benefits of out-of-hospital intubation in traumatic brain injury: the intubation/hyperventilation effect., Gaither, Joshua B., Spaite Daniel W., Bobrow Bentley J., Denninghoff Kurt R., Stolz Uwe, Beskind Daniel L., and Meislin Harvey W. , Ann Emerg Med, 2012 Dec, Volume 60, Issue 6, p.732-6, (2012)
Analysis of automated external defibrillator device failures reported to the Food and Drug Administration, DeLuca, Jr., L. A., Simpson A., Beskind D., Grall K., Stoneking L., Stolz U., Spaite D. W., Panchal A. R., and Denninghoff K. R. , Ann Emerg MedAnn Emerg Med, Feb, Volume 59, Number 2, p.103-11, (2012)
Balancing the potential risks and benefits of out-of-hospital intubation in traumatic brain injury: the intubation/hyperventilation effect, Gaither, J. B., Spaite D. W., Bobrow B. J., Denninghoff K. R., Stolz U., Beskind D. L., and Meislin H. W. , Ann Emerg MedAnn Emerg Med, Dec, Volume 60, Number 6, p.732-6, (2012)
Risk adjustment measures and outcome measures for prehospital trauma research: recommendations from the emergency medical services outcomes project (EMSOP)., Beskind, Daniel L., Keim Samuel M., Spaite Daniel W., Garrison Herbert G., E Lerner Brooke, Howse David, and Maio Ronald F. , Acad Emerg Med, 2011 Sep, Volume 18, Issue 9, p.988-1000, (2011)