Publications by Faculty

Samuel M. Keim, MD, MSc

The 2011 model of the clinical practice of emergency medicine., Perina, Debra G., Brunett Chair Patrick, Caro David A., Char Douglas M., Chisholm Carey D., Counselman Francis L., Heidt Jonathan, Keim Samuel M., and O Ma John , Acad Emerg Med, 2012 Jul, Volume 19, Issue 7, p.e19-40, (2012)
Tracheal intubation in the emergency department: a comparison of GlideScope® video laryngoscopy to direct laryngoscopy in 822 intubations., Sakles, John C., Mosier Jarrod M., Chiu Stephen, and Keim Samuel M. , J Emerg Med, 2012 Apr, Volume 42, Issue 4, p.400-5, (2012)
Brain natriuretic peptide in the evaluation of emergency department dyspnea: is there a role?, Carpenter, Christopher R., Keim Samuel M., Worster Andrew, and Rosen Peter , J Emerg Med, 2012 Feb, Volume 42, Issue 2, p.197-205, (2012)
The 2007 Model of the Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine: The 2009 Update, Perina, Debra G., Beeson Michael S., Char Douglas M., Counselman Francis L., Keim Samuel M., McGee Douglas L., Rosen Carlo L., Sokolove Peter E., and Tantama Stephen S. , Academic Emergency Medicine, Jan-03-2011, Volume 18, Issue 3, p.e8 - e26, (2011)
Risk adjustment measures and outcome measures for prehospital trauma research: recommendations from the emergency medical services outcomes project (EMSOP)., Beskind, Daniel L., Keim Samuel M., Spaite Daniel W., Garrison Herbert G., E Lerner Brooke, Howse David, and Maio Ronald F. , Acad Emerg Med, 2011 Sep, Volume 18, Issue 9, p.988-1000, (2011)
Sepsis Bundles and Compliance With Clinical Guidelines, Stoneking, L., Denninghoff K., DeLuca L., Keim S. M., and Munger B. , Journal of Intensive Care Medicine, Jan-05-2011, Volume 26, Issue 3, p.172 - 182, (2011)
Thrombolytic therapy for acute ischemic stroke beyond three hours., Carpenter, Christopher R., Keim Samuel M., Milne William Kenneth, Meurer William J., and Barsan William G. , J Emerg Med, 2011 Jan, Volume 40, Issue 1, p.82-92, (2011)
Intravenous opioids for severe acute pain in the emergency department., Patanwala, Asad E., Keim Samuel M., and Erstad Brian L. , Ann Pharmacother, 2010 Nov, Volume 44, Issue 11, p.1800-9, (2010)
Optical and video laryngoscopes for emergency airway management., Sakles, John C., Rodgers Ross, and Keim Samuel M. , Intern Emerg Med, 2008 Jun, Volume 3, Issue 2, p.139-43, (2008)
Delayed complications of emergency airway management: a study of 533 emergency department intubations., Sakles, John C., Deacon John M., Bair Aaron E., Keim Samuel M., and Panacek Edward A. , West J Emerg Med, 2008 Nov, Volume 9, Issue 4, p.190-4, (2008)
Establishing the scope and methodological approach to out-of-hospital outcomes and effectiveness research., Keim, Samuel M., Spaite Daniel W., Maio Ronald F., Garrison Herbert G., Desmond Jeffrey S., Gregor Mary Ann, O'malley Patricia J., Stiell Ian G., C Cayten Gene, Chew John L., et al. , Acad Emerg Med, 2004 Oct, Volume 11, Issue 10, p.1067-73, (2004)
Risk adjustment and outcome measures for out-of-hospital respiratory distress., Keim, Samuel M., Spaite Daniel W., Maio Ronald F., Garrison Herbert G., Desmond Jeffrey S., Gregor Mary Ann, O'malley Patricia J., Stiell Ian G., C Cayten Gene, Chew John L., et al. , Acad Emerg Med, 2004 Oct, Volume 11, Issue 10, p.1074-81, (2004)
Etomidate for procedural sedation in the emergency department., Keim, Samuel M., Erstad Brian L., Sakles John C., and Davis Virgil , Pharmacotherapy, 2002 May, Volume 22, Issue 5, p.586-92, (2002)
Environmental thermal stress., Keim, Samuel M., Guisto John A., and Sullivan John B. , Ann Agric Environ Med, 2002, Volume 9, Issue 1, p.1-15, (2002)
Factors associated with CPR certification within an elderly community., Keim, S M., Anderson K, Siegel E, Spaite D W., and Valenzuela T D. , Resuscitation, 2001 Dec, Volume 51, Issue 3, p.269-74, (2001)
