Trevor Thiss, DO, MS

Where are you from?
Scottsdale, AZ
What are your personal interests/hobbies?
I love long distance running, skiing, and and starting a new hobby (seemingly) every month.
What are your professional interests?
Pediatric emergency medicine, global health, and osteopathic manipulative medicine. Overall broad-spectrum practice and meeting the needs of the community.
Why did you choose UA EM?
This is a well reputed community medicine program with a strong Spanish-speaking population and a small, tight-knit group of residents with superb leadership.
Favorite activity in Tucson, or what attracted you to Tucson besides the residency program?
Tucson has an incredibly diverse population and very open feel. The food scene is excellent. Beautiful mountains and hiking trails are virtually in your back yard. As a plus, it’s very affordable to live here.
What are your non-medical goals during residency?
Read more books, befriend more cats, and take more trips.