Patrick Mullett, MD
Where are you from?
I grew up in Alaska, but have called Reno, Nevada home for the last decade.
What are your personal interests/hobbies?
Like any EM doc on shift, I am consistently distracted by 100 different things that demand my attention - like hiking big mountains, rock-climbing, alpine skiing, long-distance running, biking, playing team sports, brewing Kombucha, and basically anything new I can try. I most recently tried sailing and did not capsize! Long story short, I like to dabble in a little bit of everything - the more things outdoors, the better.
What are your professional interests?
Global Health, Wilderness medicine, and being the best physician I can be, no matter where I am or what I am doing. I want to leave a legacy of kindness, teamwork, compassion, and providing the best quality care to all patients. That, and I want to be fluent in Spanish by the time I graduate residency and travel around the world to practice medicine.
Why did you choose UA EM?
The people. Hands down, this program is what it is because of the incredible people here. There is a reason that Peter Rosen spent his final days hanging around this Emergency Medicine Department. To all interested residents-to-be, you should strongly consider this program if you want something truly unique, with the opportunity to not only work in an academic hospital, community hospital, and get plenty of exposure to pediatrics. At the South Campus, you will take weekly Spanish lessons and can become more than proficient in Spanish in 3 years if you are not already. When I was on Sub-I here, it was easy to notice that residents here are all incredibly good at what they do, but they are humble, and they were trusted by all faculty, nursing, and staff. Compared to other programs, it's easy for me to say the residents I saw here were well above the level of other residents in other programs. There was lots of laughter on every shift too. If you want to be an exceptional ER doctor and work amongst a family, then this is the place for you. This program is unlikely, any other - truly exceptional.
Favorite activity in Tucson, or what attracted you to Tucson besides the residency program?
The skiing. Just kidding, there is no good skiing here. Don't come here for the skiing... In truth, there are too many reasons to list as to why Tucson is an amazing place to live. The big ones that stick out are the culture, the laid-back people, and the great outdoors here are unbeatable.
What are your non-medical goals during residency?
What don't I want to do? I am going to try and fit in everything I can do in my free time here. Tucson is truly an incredible place with hundreds of activities. First, I plan on raising a brood of chickens and having a large garden in my backyard. Once I have a sustainable food source from my property, I would like to get my skipper's license and start sailing in my free time. I want to run an ultramarathon race at nighttime (because heat stroke is definitely going to happen in any day time race). There are also plenty of lakes nearby with good fishing, rocks to be climbed, and many co-residents who are going to want to mountain bike together - so, I guess it is time to get good at all those things! The possibilities are endless.