Melissa Kelsey, DO

Where are you from?
Born and raised in Tempe, AZ. Go Sun Devils!
What are your personal interests/hobbies?
I enjoy cooking, reading, watching foreign films and documentaries, making music, brewing beer, basically any activity involving water (SCUBA, swimming, oceans/lakes/rivers, boating, etc), and watching sports (especially hockey). Other more specific interests include sharks, geology, meditation, puns/sarcasm.
What are your professional interests?
Critical care, airway management, international medicine, infectious disease
Why did you choose UA EM?
I did not rotate here but fell in love with the program when I interviewed. It was important for me to be close to my family and I'm glad I found a program that I love and that allows me to stay nearby. I was impressed that this is an academic program that doesn't lose that county feel (especially at South Campus), serves a wide variety of people, and has incredible faculty and fellowship opportunities in just about every field. All the residents were friendly and happy and it was clear that program leadership cares about resident well being. Plus, it turns out that Tucson is a pretty nice place to live.
Favorite activity in Tucson?
I'm going to go the cliche route here and say hiking. But also enjoying all the day trips from the Tucson area has been fun as well (Madera Canyon, Mt Lemmon, Sonoita, Patagonia, Tubac, and more!)
What are your non-medical goals during residency?
Just to grow as a person, explore the area, and make new friends and acquaintances.