Joseph Demirjian, MD

Where are you from?
Tucson, AZ
What are your personal interests/hobbies?
I am the vocalist in a band and love songwriting/music production, singing, and playing guitar. I also enjoy running, hiking, and geocaching!
What are your professional interests?
Emergency medicine, POC Ultrasound, and Pediatric emergency medicine.
Why did you choose UA EM?
The faculty and residents are truly a family. Working here is like hanging out with friends, which fosters a great learning environment. We have strong training in both community and tertiary academic settings with rural opportunities as well. I find the integrated Spanish didactics to be a great way for us to connect with our community.
Favorite activity in Tucson, or what attracted you to Tucson besides the residency program?
The beautiful outdoors, incredibly talented local music community, and the various local coffee/tea shops.
What are your non-medical goals during residency?
Release a song every few months, stay healthy, and improve my Spanish.