Dawson "Greg" Bolus, MD

Where are you from?
Charleston, SC
What are your personal interests/hobbies?
Basketball, Volleyball, Fantasy Football, Young Life
What are your professional interests?
The USAF. Also interested in Medical Education.
Why did you choose UA EM?
One thing that stuck out about UA is the friendships the residents seemed to have with one another. It felt that they genuinely enjoyed each other and had the work-life balance to spend time with one another.
Favorite activity in Tucson, or what attracted you to Tucson besides the residency program?
I went to a small military college, so being in a big university town seemed like a lot of fun!
What are your non-medical goals during residency?
My church back home used to always say that they wanted to be so involved in the community that the community would feel it if they left. My wife and I hope to carry this intentionality to our relationships and community in Tucson.