Lori Stolz, MD, RDMS, assistant professor of emergency medicine and director of Emergency Ultrasound at Banner - University Medical Center Tucson, was elected Secretary of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine's Ultrasound in Global Health Interest Group. The position requires a six-year commitment to serve a progressively upward role: two years as secretary, two years as vice chair, and two years as chair of the Ultrasound in Global Health Interest Group. The interest group leadership team plays a major role in the AIUM’s educational efforts, including:
• Choosing topics for special interest courses for the Annual Convention
• Identifying speakers
• Assigning abstract review teams
• Designating moderators
• Selecting topics and speakers for webinars
• Providing updates for Sound Waves regarding topics of interest
• Promoting opportunities for ultrasound in global health
Dr. Lori Stolz Elected Secretary of the AIUM Ultrasound in Global Health Interest Group
June 25, 2015