AEMRC Research Accolades

Bentley Bobrow, MD, distinguished professor of emergency medicine and associate director of the Arizona Emergency Medicine Research Center – Phoenix, received the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) 2015 Cardiac Resuscitation Research Award of the Year at the January NAEMSP annual meeting in New Orleans. The award was presented for his research, "Statewide Implementation of Standardized Pre-Arrival Telephone-CPR Program Improves Survival from Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest."


Ryan Anne Murphy, fourth-year medical student at the UA College of Medicine – Phoenix Campus, presented her research “The Association Between EtCO2 and Chest Compression Depth During Prehospital Resuscitation: EtCO2 Alone Is Inadequate to Assess CPR Quality” at the January National Association of EMS Physicians' Annual Meeting meeting in New Orleans. This research was part of the Save Hearts in Arizona Registry & Education (SHARE) Program, a collaboration between the Bureau of EMS and Trauma System (BEMSTS) at the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS), and the Arizona Emergency Medicine Research Center (AEMRC) at the University of Arizona.

“Ms. Murphy has been an invaluable member of our research team,” said her mentor Bentley Bobrow, MD, distinguished professor of emergency medicine and associate director of the Arizona Emergency Medicine Research Center – Phoenix. “She has helped us in our quest to better understand the hemodynamics of resuscitation and how to save more lives from cardiac arrest. She is a very bright young clinician-scientist and we are grateful to have her on our AEMRC/ADHS research team.”