Jarrod Mosier, MD

Jarrod Mosier, MD

Professor with Tenure
Emergency & Internal Medicine
Vice Chair for Research
Associate Program Director
Critical Care Fellowship


1501 N. Campbell Ave.
PO Box 245057 Tucson AZ 85724
(520) 626-6312
(520) 626-2480 NON-CLINICAL

Dr. Mosier is a native of Elko, Nevada and attended college at Boise State University. He completed medical school at the University of Nevada School of Medicine and completed his residency in emergency medicine at the University of Arizona. After residency, Dr. Mosier completed a critical care medicine fellowship at the University of Arizona and currently is the director of Emergency Medicine/Medical Critical Care and the Assistant Program Director of the Critical Care Medicine fellowship within the Department of Medicine, Section of Pulmonary/Critical Care. He has a dual appointment with both the Departments of Emergency Medicine and Internal Medicine and his academic interests include advanced airway management, resuscitation, and critical care ultrasound.


MD: 2007, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
2010, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
2012, Critical Care Medicine, The University of Arizona

Research and Academic Interests and Expertise

Airway management, ultrasound use in resuscitation, sepsis care, echocardiography, resuscitation

Selected Recent Publications

Kornas RL, Owyang CG, Sakles JC, Foley LJ, Mosier JM. "In Response." Anesth Analg. 2021;133(1):e12.
Kornas RL, Owyang CG, Sakles JC, Foley LJ, Mosier JM. "Evaluation and Management of the Physiologically Difficult Airway: Consensus Recommendations From Society for Airway Management." Anesth Analg. 2021;132(2):395-405.
Mosier JM, Fisher JM, Hypes CD, et al. "A Target for Increased Mortality Risk in Critically Ill Patients: The Concept of Perpetuity." J Clin Med. 2021;10(17).


Clinical Specialties: 

Emergency Medicine and Critical Care Medicine

Board Certification: 
Emergency Medicine, 2011
Critical Care Medicine, 2012
Banner - University Medical Center Tucson Phone 520-694-0111
Banner - University Medical Center South Phone 520-874-2000