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Svirsky I, Stoneking LR, Grall K, Berkman M, Stolz U, Shirazi F.  2013.  Resident-initiated advanced triage effect on emergency department patient flow.. J Emerg Med. 45(5):746-51.
Hiller KM, Stoneking L, Min A, Rhodes SMichelle.  2013.  Syndromic surveillance for influenza in the emergency department-A systematic review.. PLoS One. 8(9):e73832.
Panczyk M, McNally BF, Bobrow BJ.  2013.  Telephone CPR: saving lives around the world. New program will help dispatchers and track vital data.. EMS World. 42(9):35-6,39.
Traylor BR, Patanwala AE, Sakles JC, Erstad BL.  2013.  Under-dosing of etomidate for rapid sequence intubation in the emergency department.. Curr Drug Saf. 8(4):253-6.
Perina DG, Brunett CPatrick, Caro DA, Char DM, Chisholm CD, Counselman FL, Heidt J, Keim SM, O Ma J.  2012.  The 2011 model of the clinical practice of emergency medicine.. Acad Emerg Med. 19(7):e19-40.
Vázquez JAlejandro, Adducci Mdel Carmen, Coll C, Monzón DGodoy, Iserson KV.  2012.  Acute meningitis prognosis using cerebrospinal fluid interleukin-6 levels.. J Emerg Med. 43(2):322-7.
Cienki JJ, DeLuca LA.  2012.  Agreement between emergency medical services and expert blood pressure measurements.. J Emerg Med. 43(1):64-8.
DeLuca, Jr. L.A, Simpson A., Beskind D., Grall K., Stoneking L., Stolz U., Spaite D.W, Panchal A.R, Denninghoff K.R.  2012.  Analysis of automated external defibrillator device failures reported to the Food and Drug Administration. Ann Emerg MedAnn Emerg Med. 59:103-11.
Gaither J.B, Spaite D.W, Bobrow B.J, Denninghoff K.R, Stolz U., Beskind D.L, Meislin H.W.  2012.  Balancing the potential risks and benefits of out-of-hospital intubation in traumatic brain injury: the intubation/hyperventilation effect. Ann Emerg MedAnn Emerg Med. 60:732-6.
Gaither JB, Spaite DW, Bobrow BJ, Denninghoff KR, Stolz U, Beskind DL, Meislin HW.  2012.  Balancing the potential risks and benefits of out-of-hospital intubation in traumatic brain injury: the intubation/hyperventilation effect.. Ann Emerg Med. 60(6):732-6.
Carpenter CR, Keim SM, Worster A, Rosen P.  2012.  Brain natriuretic peptide in the evaluation of emergency department dyspnea: is there a role? J Emerg Med. 42(2):197-205.
Iserson KV, Biros MH, C Holliman J.  2012.  Challenges in international medicine: ethical dilemmas, unanticipated consequences, and accepting limitations.. Acad Emerg Med. 19(6):683-92.
Sakles JC, Mosier J, Chiu S, Cosentino M, Kalin L.  2012.  A comparison of the C-MAC video laryngoscope to the Macintosh direct laryngoscope for intubation in the emergency department.. Ann Emerg Med. 60(6):739-48.
Blewer AL, Leary M, Esposito EC, Gonzalez M, Riegel B, Bobrow BJ, Abella BS.  2012.  Continuous chest compression cardiopulmonary resuscitation training promotes rescuer self-confidence and increased secondary training: a hospital-based randomized controlled trial*.. Crit Care Med. 40(3):787-92.
Demaerschalk BM, Bobrow BJ, Raman R, Ernstrom K, Hoxworth JM, Patel AC, Kiernan T-EJ, Aguilar MI, Ingall TJ, Dodick DW et al..  2012.  CT interpretation in a telestroke network: agreement among a spoke radiologist, hub vascular neurologist, and hub neuroradiologist.. Stroke. 43(11):3095-7.
Mosier JM, Stolz U, Chiu S, Sakles JC.  2012.  Difficult airway management in the emergency department: GlideScope videolaryngoscopy compared to direct laryngoscopy.. J Emerg Med. 42(6):629-34.
Mosier J.M, Stolz U., Chiu S., Sakles J.C.  2012.  Difficult airway management in the emergency department: GlideScope videolaryngoscopy compared to direct laryngoscopy. J Emerg MedJ Emerg Med. 42:629-34.
E Lerner B, Garrison HG, Nichol G, Maio RF, Lookman HA, Sheahan WD, Franz TR, Austad JD, Ginster AM, Spaite DW.  2012.  An economic toolkit for identifying the cost of emergency medical services (EMS) systems: detailed methodology of the EMS Cost Analysis Project (EMSCAP).. Acad Emerg Med. 19(2):210-6.
Sakles JC, Kalin L.  2012.  The effect of stylet choice on the success rate of intubation using the GlideScope video laryngoscope in the emergency department.. Acad Emerg Med. 19(2):235-8.
Pacheco GS, Viscusi C, Hays DP, Woolridge DP.  2012.  The effects of resident level of training on the rate of pediatric prescription errors in an academic emergency department.. J Emerg Med. 43(5):e343-8.
E Lerner B, Rea TD, Bobrow BJ, Acker JE, Berg RA, Brooks SC, Cone DC, Gay M, Gent LM, Mears G et al..  2012.  Emergency medical service dispatch cardiopulmonary resuscitation prearrival instructions to improve survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association.. Circulation. 125(4):648-55.
Walter FG, Stolz U, Shirazi F, Walter CM, McNally J.  2012.  Epidemiology of the reported severity of copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix) snakebite.. South Med J. 105(6):313-20.
Kernan L, Ito S, Shirazi F, Boesen K.  2012.  Fatal gastrointestinal hemorrhage after a single dose of dabigatran.. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 50(7):571-3.
Moskop JC, Iserson KV, Aswegan AL, Larkin GLuke, Schears RM.  2012.  Gifts to physicians from industry: the debate evolves.. Ann Emerg Med. 59(2):89-97.
Silbergleit R, Biros MH, Harney D, Dickert N, Baren J.  2012.  Implementation of the exception from informed consent regulations in a large multicenter emergency clinical trials network: the RAMPART experience.. Acad Emerg Med. 19(4):448-54.
