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Comparison of droperidol and haloperidol for use by paramedics: assessment of safety and effectiveness.. Prehosp Emerg Care. 18(3):375-80.
2014. Resumption of chest compressions after successful defibrillation and risk for recurrence of ventricular fibrillation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 7(4):633-9.
2014. .
Balancing the potential risks and benefits of out-of-hospital intubation in traumatic brain injury: the intubation/hyperventilation effect. Ann Emerg MedAnn Emerg Med. 60:732-6.
2012. .
2012. .
2012. .
Diving-related injuries in children <20 years old treated in emergency departments in the United States: 1990-2006.. Pediatrics. 122(2):e388-94.
2008. Nontraumatic out-of-hospital hypotension predicts inhospital mortality.. Ann Emerg Med. 43(1):106-13.
2004. Application of measurement tools to pediatric emergency medicine.. Ambul Pediatr. 2(4 Suppl):319-22.