Evaluation of child maltreatment in the emergency department setting: an overview for behavioral health providers.

TitleEvaluation of child maltreatment in the emergency department setting: an overview for behavioral health providers.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsLeetch AN, Leipsic J, Woolridge DP
JournalChild Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am
Date Published2015 Jan
ISSN Number1558-0490

Emergency providers are confronted with medical, social, and legal dilemmas with each case of possible child maltreatment. Keeping a high clinical suspicion is key to diagnosing latent abuse. Child abuse, especially sexual abuse, is best handled by a multidisciplinary team including emergency providers, nurses, social workers, and law enforcement trained in caring for victims and handling forensic evidence. The role of the emergency provider in such cases is to identify abuse, facilitate a thorough investigation, treat medical needs, protect the patient, provide an unbiased medical consultation to law enforcement, and provide an ethical testimony if called to court.

Alternate JournalChild Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am
PubMed ID25455575
Faculty Reference: 
Aaron N. Leetch, MD, FACEP
Dale Woolridge, MD, PhD, FACEP