John Rolshoven, MD - Chief Resident

John Rolshoven, MD
Chief Resident
University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine
South Campus Residency
Resident Status: 
Class of: 

Where are you from?

Reno, Nevada

What are your personal interests/hobbies?

Anything going uphill and back down: skiing, mountain biking, rock climbing, trail running with the pup, and surfing.  I love traveling the world by bicycle, meeting weird people, eating snacks in cool places, getting stuck in storms, and dancing around the fire with friends and family.  

What are your professional interests?

Medical education, wilderness medicine, and sports medicine. 

Why did you choose UA EM?

I was looking for a program that combines community/county and academic environments, sees a significant volume of underserved and Spanish-speaking patients, has opportunities for subspecialty tracts, and has a supportive and fun group of faculty and residents. I loved the family feel of a smaller program with unopposed learning opportunities that is part of a large academic program and Dr. Stoneking as PD sealed the deal! Training in a location with good access to mountains and trails was essential, so UA EM was the perfect fit for all the above. Plus- my wife, Leanne, is starting veterinary school in Tucson at the same time, so heading down for some SW desert sun seemed like the perfect choice.

Favorite activity in Tucson, or what attracted you to Tucson besides the residency program?

Endless single-track, awesome climbing, ability to bicycle commute, a smaller and affordable big city, and a unique SW vibe.

What are your non-medical goals during residency?

Race mountain bikes, break into a new climbing grade, have a garden, make lots of great friends, have lots of dinner parties, and still get some skiing in. Also, learn how to survive in 110+ degrees.