Epic - Day 3

Photo:  Dr. Chris Williams rocking the InBasket.
WOW, I am so impressed with our residents. My superuser shift was boring today! Well, compared to the first day, it was way less chaotic. I almost got the sense that we are over Epic Go Live and it is now business as usual. Kinks have been ironed out. Direct access to clinical information has been achieved. And now for warp speed. If any of you have watched Dr. Vivienne Ng work on Epic, you know that you are watching a master. Working your way through the workflows will become more automatic and knowing where the next icon will be so you can move the cursor there, will become automatic.
Again, I can't say enough good things about our department who have really come together to make this a spectacular implementation. Many of the physicians and staff did not get to meet the Epic technical staff who are doing their magic in the command center, but these guys ROCK! They are smart and dedicated to getting us what we need. Having worked with a lot of vendors in the past, they always want to give you what they got and move on.  Epic folks try hard to give us what we need and have made a commitment to getting it right.
Enough for today. Kev moves to night and the next post will be from the dark side.
Kev & Lisa