Investigator Road Map

This Investigator Road Map section is designed to assist with project proposal approval and to help demystify the grant application, submission and review process.

It is also hoped that these pages will help clarify department, university, state and federal regulations and policies. Please feel free to read through these pages and contact me for further assistance and advice.

Some helpful resources to get started:

COS Pivot Funding Database
COS Pivot is a searchable funding opportunities database. It is available to all UA faculty, staff and students, who may register for free.

Human Subjects Protection Program
Human Subjects Protection Program, as the administrative and regulatory support program to the Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), works in collaboration with the research community to maintain an ethical and compliant research program. The IRBs are the independent review committee charged with the protection of human research subjects. An IRB must review all research and related activities involving human subjects conducted at the University of Arizona or by in which the University is a responsible participant.

Training Requirements

Training is required for UA faculty, staff and students who are conducting human research at the University of Arizona. There are links to help navigate the training program (CITI) and PowerPoints that help with the creation of new accounts for UA personnel or individuals coming from other institutions that might need to affiliate with the University of Arizona to complete their training. The required courses are (1) Biomedical Research Basic Course and (2) Native American Course.

Conflict of Interest Program

The Conflict of Interest Program (COIP) supports and promotes the University of Arizona's ethical conduct of research. In collaboration with the Institutional Review Committee and the Executive Review Committee, the Conflict of Interest Program works with The University of Arizona’s research community who are engaged in external relationships to ensure that all identified financial conflicts of interest or institutional conflicts of interest are appropriately managed, reduced, or eliminated.
Link to Training and Disclosure System for University of Arizona employees and Affiliates: